
Northern Spain - Part 3

Spain consists of 17 "Comunidades Autónomas". Coming from France I drove through Basque country, then passing Cantabria (the Santander area) and now arriving in Asturias. Next one would be Galicia, but I didn't go there...


Asturias welcomed me with a beautiful landscape. Driving along the coast and doing my stops was definitely one of my highlights so far!

A really special place was Bufones de Pría! It's a natural phenomenon at the coast. The bufones are blowholes created by the erosion of the sea and rain on the limestone, forming cracks and chimneys connecting the sea with the land. When the Cantabrian Sea is at its full tide, the waves forces their way into the bottom of the blowholes and the water rises through the narrow channel. This causes crazy whistling and snorting sounds. I absolutely loved this place! These sounds were fascinating and I felt like there was a dragon sleeping underneath me and making these sounds :)


At this point the nights were getting a little bit cold. I was really happy to have a warm sleeping bag. But still, waking up with only 11/12 degrees inside the van was a bit chilly. Still not cold enough to switch on the heating :)

Last stop in Asturias was Cabo Vidio. A lighthouse and a beautiful coast. What do you need more!?


Maybe a Brezel :)

Thank you, Northern Spain! The chances are high that I will be back at some point :)

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